• 2024 Charity Pin Now Available

    We are happy to announce that our 2024 biennial charity lapel pin is available for purchase at the DCSWCC online store!  Joining a long line of cherished characters immortalized on exclusive pins, Ahsoka Tano in an action pose with her white lightsabers is shown in front of the Washington D.C. flag and skyline.  Eleventh in…

  • 2022 Charity Pin Still Available!

    DCSWCC’s 10th biennial charity lapel pin is still available for purchase.  Announced at Star Wars Celebration Anaheim, the 2022 pin features Grogu “the child” / “baby Yoda” from The Mandalorian series playing with a pair of Sorgan frogs at the Washington Monument.  Tenth in the series of high-quality soft enamel and cloisonne pins, and officially…

  • The Yodamobile

    The Yodamobile

    The Yodamobile is the proudest Star Wars-related possession of DCSWCC President and Director, Martin. Thus far, the longest-living and most famous incarnation has been a 2009 Toyota Camry Hybrid model in factory color Jasper Mica, sporting Virginia license plate TOY YODA and adorned with Yoda stickers and collectibles of all shapes and sizes in the…

  • Celebration Anaheim Promotions

    The Washington DC Area Star Wars Collecting Club (DCSWCC) has developed a long tradition of offering unique and highly in-demand collectibles, dating back to Celebration III in 2005. The tradition continues at Celebration Anaheim 2022 with a set of 15 custom designed, high-quality felt pennants! The set is approved by Lucasfilm Ltd. as an exclusive…

  • 2020 Charity Pin now on sale!!

    D.C. Star Wars Collecting Club The Washington DC Metro Area Star Wars Collecting Club (DCSWCC) announces our ninth biennial charity lapel pin.  The 2020 pin features Princess Leia in her white Hoth battle gear with Cloud City topped by a Washington DC skyline.  Ninth in the series of high-quality soft enamel pins, and officially licensed…

  • Star Wars Roadshow and Toy Sale – Silver Spring, MD

    We would be honored if you would join us….. August 25th, 2019   1PM – 5PM American Legion Hall 8110 Fenton St Silver Spring, MD 20910

  • June 1, 2019 – Bowie Baysox – Star Wars Night

    June 1: Star Wars Night – An annual staple of the promotional calendar, Star Wars Night features the chance to meet and interact with your favorite characters on the concourse. A special light-saber battle will commence on the field before a Star Wars-themed fireworks show lights up the Bowie sky. Be sure to swing by and…

  • Escape Velocity 2019

    Escape Velocity 2019, May 24 – 26 Gaylord National Resort and Convention Center201 Waterfront StreetNational Harbor, MD 20745 DCSWCC is located at booth C4, swing by and check out our club display, get some coloring pages, and/or sign up for the club!

  • Celebration Chicago News

    What do the Star Wars collecting clubs from Florida, Indiana, Kentucky, Ohio, Pennsylvania, New York, Texas, and Washington D.C. have in common? They have all teamed up this Celebration to create a fantastic eight-piece puzzle patch set to be given away exclusively at Celebration Chicago. Inspired by the vintage Return of the Jedi multi-pack sticker,…

  • 2018 Charity Pin now on sale!!

    D.C. Star Wars Collecting Club The Washington DC Metro Area Star Wars Collecting Club (DCSWCC) announces our eighth biannual charity lapel pin. The 2018 pin features Luke in his black Jedi garb holding a glimmering green lightsaber in the shape of the club’s signature Washington Monument. Eighth in the series of high-quality pins, and officially…

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